August 2020 Update - Weekly Leaderboard!

Leaderboard feature!

Hi all! I had a few requests in the past to set up a Patreon over a paypal, so I have given it a shot and launched here

I hadn't been adding a ton of new features over the last few months for a few reasons, primarily that my wife and I had gotten a 12 week old puppy, and puppy training and care is pretty time consuming! Now that Fuzzy is a bit older I'll have more time to build out the site. This has started with a new feature launch yesterday of a leaderboard, which shows the top 5 practicers in a given a week. It resets at midnight GMT to be worldwide-friendly, so see if you can climb up to the top!

Congratulations to nmendes, who was the top practicer at the end of week 1 :).

I want to say a huge thank you to all the users of tuneUPGRADE, especially those who have given me feedback along the way. The site just wouldn't be where it's at without you, and more people write in, the more it makes me feel that the site has value and to continue to expand on it.

Also, Thanks to all in the past who have given donations. You've helped offset my hosting costs. Generally I still pay quite a bit out of pocket but any help at all, even just a few bucks, helps me offset that.

I'd love to continue to hear your ideas about the site - any kind of feedback on features, upgrades, or things that might help. Some stuff I can tackle pretty quickly, and nearly every idea makes it onto my backlog to at least muse about and see if I can find a solution to it somehow. 

I know COVID has turned the world a bit upside down, but I hope those of you who are confined at home got more time to practice and found great enjoyment in your practicing time. Stay healthy and safe, and I'll post about major updates as they happen! I'll be revisiting my backlog over the next few weeks and seeing what other features I want to start targeting, and I'll share my thoughts as well.

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