Hello to 2020 Update!

As we get into the new year, you might have some renewed new years resolutions to pick that instrument back up and practice a bit more than last year. I've personally continued to use tuneUPGRADE consistently with my practice to hit my goals, and I want to give value to other users as well! Since the beta launch, users have practiced around 100 hours total on tuneUPGRADE over a few weeks. Many of those users have provided feedback that have helped me focus on what to work on next, from small typo fixes to larger feature changes. A major update to tuneUPGRADE is now live, including a number of enhancements and fixes requested by the community. Timer Overhaul The biggest change is an overhaul of how the timer works on the practice screen. Users had written in explaining the timer didn't run in some cases on mobile (for example, when safari wasn't the focus on iOS, or if your phone went to sleep). I've overhauled the timer system so that it will pick up whe...